Frequently Asked Questions

Questions about In-Person Campus Visits:

How will I get to and from campus?

When you RSVP for an in-person campus visit, you will select one of four pick-up/drop-off sites. This is where the bus will pick you up to take you to campus, and where it will drop you off during the visit. You can be dropped off at a pick-up site, park there, or take public transportation. For a list and map of the pick-up sites, click here!

What time are the visits? How long are they?

This will vary by visit, but typically visits take place in the morning to mid-afternoon! We spend about 3 hours on campus and always have lunch on campus :) Each specific visit timing can be found on the event page and within the visit RSVP. These may shift slightly but should give you a good idea of the time commitment.

What does an in-person campus visit consist of?

Visits will vary by college, but most visits includes a campus tour, admissions presentation, student panel, and lunch of campus.

What about food? Do I have to bring a lunch?

Lunch will be provided on every campus visit at no cost! Sometimes this will mean eating at the dining hall, other times it will be a boxed lunch to eat outside or on the bus home. For visits to further away campuses, snacks will also be provided for the bus ride.

What do I need to bring? What should I wear?

Check out Campus Visit 101 for ideas about what to wear, what to bring, and how to have a successful campus visit!

What COVID-19 precautions will be taken on these visits?

College Possible will follow the COVID-19 protocols of partner campuses during each visit. For example, if the institution College Possible is visiting requires facial coverings in a specific environment or at all times, visiting students and CP staff would be expected to abide by the local requirement. Students should engage in self-monitoring and if you are feeling sick, have any COVID-19 symptoms, or have recently been in close proximity to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, please do not attend the visit.


Other Student Events Questions:

If you have additional event related questions, please let us know! Email your questions to Sabrina at or submit a question on the “Meet Our Team” page of this website.

Frequently asked questions will be posted here as they are received! Thank you!