Campus Visit 101

 Quick Tips for a Great In-Person Campus Visit

  • Dress for comfort and a good first impression!

    • Prioritize comfort – don’t wear heels, skip uncomfortable shoes, and rethink any outfit you don’t want to walk a few miles! College campuses are big and there can be a lot of walking during visits.

    • Check the weather! Weather on our visits may be very cold or rainy, so be sure to look ahead of time and dress appropriate. This may mean wearing coats and boots, dressing in layers, or bringing a rain jacket and umbrella.

    • Look polished and appropriate – you do not have to dress formally or in business attire, but you should look presentable in order to make a good first impression. Jeans and a nice shirt are perfect, Avoid sweatpants, crop tops, baseball hats.

  • What to bring?

    • First and foremost, bring questions! Other good things to bring include a water bottle, appropriate weather gear (umbrella, sunscreen, etc.), a phone for pictures and surveys. If you are going to a campus further away, you might consider bringing headphones or a book for the long bus ride.

  • Be polite and engaged with the admissions representatives and students during the visit- ask questions and say thank you!

  • Come in with an open mind, even if you have preconceived notions about the school. Be open to changing your mind!

  • Before the visit, think about what matters most to you in a college! What are you going to look for while at the school?

  • Put your phone away, save talking with your friends for lunch or the bus, and take it all in! Be present, take note of details and what you like and do not like.

  • Ask questions! Not sure what to ask? See ideas below.

Come with Questions!

Think about questions you want to ask both admissions representatives at the colleges and current students during the college visit. Check out some ideas for great questions below:

Potential Questions for Admissions:

  • What makes the college special?

  • What is the average class size?

  • How many classes do students typically take a semester?

  • How easy is it to switch majors or programss within the college?

  • Does the college have study abroad options? What percentage of students do this?

  • How much financial need does the college typically meet?

  • Can you highlight some of the big scholarships at your college?

  • Tell me about diversity on campus, what resources and support do you offer in terms of equity and inclusion?

  • Do students live on campus? What percent? How many years?

  • What safety measures are implemented on campus? Is the campus safe? What about surrounding area?

  • Does the college connect students with internships and career advising?

  • How much money do students typically end up owing when they graduate?

  • Anything else you want to know!

Potential Questions for Current Students:

  • What makes this school special?

  • What is your favorite thing about the college? Your least favorite thing?

  • What activities are popular on campus? Sports? Music? Etc.

  • What resources, services, or knowledge helped you during your transition to college?

  • What is your favorite class that you’ve taken at this college so far?

  • Do students stay on campus during the weekends? Do they tend to go home a lot?

  • Why did you choose this college?

  • What do you think about dining options on campus? Nearby dining options off-campus?

  • Do you feel that faculty are interested and accessible to students outside of class?

  • What are dorms like?

  • Tell me about a typical weekend/typical weeknight at this school.

  • Anything else you want to know!

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 After the Visit..

Consider your Impressions of the College!

  • Are there majors that interest you?

  • Were the people at the college friendly? Do you think you would get along with them?

  • Do they have resources to assist you academically, financially, socially, and emotionally?

  • Did they have clubs, sports, or other activities that are important to you?

  • Did you like the general atmosphere of the school?

  • Did you like the size and setting of the school? Does it seem too big, too small, too rural, too urban, etc.?

  • How do you feel about the college’s distance from home? Was it too close or too far?

  • Was there anything you didn’t like about the college?

  • Overall, can you picture yourself as a student there for four years?

Quick Tips for a Great Virtual College Event

Visit Protocols:

  • Mute yourself when you aren’t talking to prevent background noise

  • Have you camera on if possible!

  • Come in with an open mind, even if you have preconceived notions about the school, the panelists, or what you like! Be open to changing your mind!

  • Be polite and engaged with the presenters, staff, and students!

  • Be present - we know how hard it is so really focus on Zoom meetings but try your best! Put away your phone and try not to multitask during the presentation. Take in the experience!

  • If yo have additional questions you didn’t want to ask or didn’t have time to ask during the event, jot down the presenter’s name and contact info to follow-up with them! Grace and your CP Coach can also help you with this.